Students come to The Immigrant Learning Center from all corners of the world and all walks of life. They travel from 94 cities and towns around Greater Boston to Malden Center five days a week because they all share the burning desire to improve their lives, and the first step is learning English. Since opening in 1992, The Immigrant Learning Center, Inc. has helped 11,500 immigrants and refugees from 122 countries learn English.
Student Profile from Fiscal Year 2023
Students Served: 677
Top Countries of Origin: Haiti, Brazil, China, Morocco, El Salvador, 32 percent other
Top Cities of Residence: Malden, Everett, Revere, Medford, Boston, 22 percent other
Gender: 68 percent female, 32 percent male
Median Age: 53
Education: 77 percent high school diploma or higher, 52 percent attended post-secondary school
When new students register they are evaluated to determine their incoming English proficiency, and they are asked to set one or more goals. English is a means to an end. By improving their English-language skills, students achieve goals such as finding a job, finding a better job, being promoted, entering a training program or college, buying a home, and becoming a U.S. citizen. Some even start their own businesses.