For educators at all levels, from kindergarten through adult students, this Educator Resource Hub from The ILC Public Education Institute offers a carefully curated collection of resources to help you support your foreign-born students and educate all students about U.S. immigration. Start by clicking on one of the topic areas below. From there, you’ll be able to browse or search by grade level and keywords. Whether you are teaching about immigration or creating a welcoming environment for your immigrant students and their families, the topics below have you covered.
To explore all our resources, you can search here. To receive quarterly updates featuring new free resources, sign up here.
Teaching Immigration Lesson Plans and Resources
Lesson plans, curricular units and resources to help you incorporate immigration into your existing curriculum
USCIS Citizenship Application, Practice Test and Interview
Resources to help prepare for the USCIS Citizenship application, practice test and interview.
Immigrant Trauma and Mental Health
Articles, videos and other resources to help address immigrant trauma, stress and mental health
Family and Parental Engagement
Resources to create asset-based, authentic partnerships with your immigrant students’ parents and families
Teaching Refugee, Unaccompanied Minor and SLIFE Students
Resources to recognize the challenges and support the strengths of refugees, unaccompanied minors and students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE) in the classroom
ESOL/EL/ML Resources
Lessons, webinars, blogs and more for teachers of English for speakers of other languages (ESOL), English learner (EL) and multilingual learner (ML) students.
Immigrant and Immigration Stories
Videos and written accounts by immigrants past and present, strategies for eliciting stories from your students, and opportunities to share your story with others
Diversity and Culturally Responsive Teaching
Resources to help you develop and maintain a culturally responsive, asset-based teaching practice
U.S. Immigration Data and Policy
Up-to-date fact sheets, data hubs, explainers for students and more featuring immigration data and policy
Resources for Undocumented and DACA Students
Information about undocumented students’ rights, emergency planning guides, lists of scholarships and guides for teachers
You can search all available educator resources below.