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Jensy headshotJensy always dreamed of becoming a nurse. Working at a nursing home brought her joy. “I love to take care of people. That’s the number one thing for me. I like to help people … I like making them feel better. As a nurse, I would have a greater responsibility. I just love it,” she says. Unfortunately, she struggled with English and didn’t know what opportunities were available to her.

“Before I came to The ILC I could communicate in English, but not fluently. I wasn’t confident enough to speak,” explained Jensy, who immigrated to the United States from Haiti in 2018. She enrolled in The ILC’s “Next Steps” class, which helps intermediate and advanced English students like Jensy prepare for the next stage of their journey, whether it’s a vocational training program, a job or higher education.

Her teacher told her about a local program designed to help her transition into college and helped her to apply. “I didn’t know if I could do it, and they advised me, and then I did it, and I was admitted,” says Jensy. Now she’s on track to fulfill her dream of becoming a nurse.

Diane Portnoy
Founder and CEO
The Immigrant Learning Center, Inc.

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