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Living in the same country as your partner is something many of us take for granted. For William, it would be a dream come true, and your support brought him closer to it.

For years, William’s wife in El Salvador has been unable to join him in the United States. He came to The ILC’s Citizenship Class for help becoming a U.S. citizen. After passing the test, he can now petition for his wife to join him!

William isn’t the only member of his family to study at The ILC. His mother and brother have already become citizens after enrolling in our Citizenship Classes and his sisters are close behind.

When you donate, you help students like William become citizens of the United States and reunite their families.

Thank you for all that you do.

Diane Portnoy
Founder and CEO
The Immigrant Learning Center, Inc.

PS: William first came to the United States as an unaccompanied minor. You can learn more about these migrants’ experiences and how teachers can recognize their unique needs and strengths in our latest blog post.