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On-Demand Virtual Training

Whether playing tag at recess, participating in a youth sport or rooting for a professional team, research shows that sports can create community. This training is for K-12 teachers, youth coaches and anyone else who would like to learn how to leverage sports to increase belonging, health and resilience for all young people, and foreign-born children in particular.  The training was originally held on Tuesday, September 17, 7:00-8:30 PM ET.

Learning Objectives:

  • Enhance physical education through culturally sensitive strategies
  • Understand the relationship between youth sports participation and health outcomes for immigrant youth
  • Highlight the stories and contributions of immigrant professional athletes to promote inclusion of immigrants generally

This training is free of charge. It is designed for K-12 educators, administrators, youth sports coaches and anyone interested in the role of sports in immigrant inclusion.


Supporting Fostering a Culture of Belonging to Promote Immigrant Youth Participation in Sports, Health and Physical Education

Jerono P. Rotich, PhD

Professor of Kinesiology and the Associate Dean for Organizational Climate, Inclusion, and Belonging at the School of Public Health, Indiana University

Bridging Culture through Movement: How Physical Education United Immigrant Children

Cindie Cortinas-Vogt

Educator, Washington Elementary School, Elgin, Ilinois

Exploring the Relationship Between Sports and Inclusion

James Witte, PhD

Director, George Mason Institute for Immigration Research

Please note: The views expressed by guest presenters are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Immigrant Learning Center.